You Can Only Tread Water for so long……

You know that feeling you get where you’re not quite sure you’re doing the right thing. You know the hesitation you feel. That stirring in the pit of your stomach. The rifling through the recesses of your mind to find all of the excuses to substantiate why you shouldn’t be doing it.

Well in my case that’s the very sign I’m doing the right thing!

As it’s been for the last 30+ years, that’s EXACTLY the bombardment of emotions I get when I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I’ve kinda  gotten used to it. My mouth always tends to say “yes to something” that my nerves aren’t always sure I can pull off. But you know in the end—at least 99.9% of the time things always work out marvelously and I wonder what I was so anxious about in the first place. Again, you’d think I’d be used to it by now. In a lot of ways I am. I’ve learned to drum it up as louder than usual background noise.

However, in this case it’s a little bit different. My brain knows that and so does my heart and that’s what’s adding to the nerves.

I can see why I’ve never been an adrenaline junkie. I don’t think I can get use to the sudden rush of emotion that makes you crave more of that feeling. Kudos to those folks but they’re definitely not a member of my tribe.

Well you wonder what’s got me a bit antsy. Well it’s the adventure I’m about to embark on. This blog is a part of a new adventure and chapter I’m embarking on in my life.  I’m about to undertake a pretty big experiment and I’m the very focus of that experiment. I’ll explain what more of that means in the next post.

Experimentation is nothing new to me. I spent 15 years in my previous career working in Marine Microbial research science conducting hundreds of experiments and tests and explaining my findings to other’s. There’s a bit of masochism, boldness, curiosity and sometimes even a little insanity (LOLLLL) wrapped up in experimentation. For me it’s one thing to experiment on bacteria (as I once did) or other things but a whole other to do so on myself.  Or is it?

Technically speaking isn’t life a big experiment?  What about it makes us think we really have any control. Trying to hold on to life is sometimes is like trying to hold on to a bucking bull. I remember when I thought I had my career goals all figured out and everything was set on course and, despite having some of life’s challenges, I would enjoy smooth sailing. Boy was I delusional!!! The best you can do in life is prepare and have a sense of direction and move toward it.  Even with that life can take some unexpected turns and you can hit some unanticipated bumps that will shake you to the core of your confidence.

To put it brutally honest—-You have to decide if you’re going to sink or swim. You only have two options. It’s funny we train and train to learn how to “swim” —navigate life, grow and make the best decisions possible. And when we panic we stop and just tread water. It’s not so much that we don’t know how to swim we just forget we know how to do so or we are too intimidated to do so.  FEAR will do that to you. Specifically, the FEAR of FAILURE!!! It will keep us stuck in life. And trust me I know all about this.

I struggled with this for far too many years. But as I came to realize you can only tread water for so long. You’ll never end up anywhere if you only tread water. Actually, you’ll eventually tire and just sink. Getting moving again is key. And it takes confidence to do that. This blog is dedicated to showing how I started out swimming in life but let obstacles such as the Fear of FAILURE ultimately cause me to tread water and sink. But I learned to SWIM again!!! I got my Confidence back!!!  By the Grace of God I did and I’m committed to inspiring & helping other’s do the same!!! I’ll show you how I leverage the idea of failure to achieve success and how to conquer your fears with action. My goal is to push my own efforts to an even higher level! THAT IS THE PREMISE OF THIS BLOG! We’ll see what happens when you run the risk of making up to 20 failures a day. Is Failure truly the key to success??? Let the experiments  begin!!!!